Where can a copywriter check the uniqueness of a text?
First, let's figure out how copywriters check the uniqueness of the text. Due to the fact that the Internet offers so many opportunities, most of them choose one specific service by trial and error.When choosing a verification system, you need to rely on many indicators. Among them are the convenience of the interface, pleasant design, the speed of file processing and output of the result, the quality and efficiency of the service. The most important element of the functioning of any anti-plagiarism is the report it shows. It is its components that play a key role for the copywriter.
What is important for a copywriter:
Uniqueness percentage
Highlighting plagiarized text fragments
Spell check
Number of characters and words
Nausea of the text
The ability of the service to conduct SEO analysis has a particularly strong influence on how copywriters check the uniqueness of the text. This usually includes the number of characters, spam, and empty content. Using these indicators, a specialist can evaluate the quality of the text he has written.
You can check the text in the official service Anti-antiplagiat.rf. The search for matches will be carried out in the Antiplagiat VUZ system. In the shortest possible time, you will have access to a full report and mobile app development service a certificate of passing the check. Their originality can be confirmed using the QR codes indicated on them. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can order a service to increase the uniqueness of the text to the percentage you need. The text itself will not change at all, but all borrowings will be hidden
02Why is it important to know the percentage of originality
Why is it important to know the percentage of originality
There are many reasons why it is important to know the percentage of originality. Firstly, the uniqueness of your text is the main indicator of your work. If the value is small, it means that you used other people's materials and did not complete the order well.
Secondly, copyright plays an important role. There is no place for links and footnotes in copywriting texts, unlike student and scientific works. And usually no one makes citations in advertising. This means that you have brazenly stolen and used someone else's work for your own purposes. And problems may arise not only for you, but also for the customer.
This is followed by a whole series of problems. Most freelancers find orders for copywriting through content exchanges or post their work there for users to buy. There is very high competition on such platforms now. Due to the pandemic, many have decided to go freelance in the hope of earning as much as possible right from home. Therefore, for every request that appears, a queue of people willing to fulfill it instantly appears. It is enough to write a text with low uniqueness just once and your rating will decrease. And this means that the next time the probability that the customer will choose you will be significantly reduced. By the way, if you are just going to go freelance, the article “ How to become a freelancer from scratch ” will be useful to you.
Therefore, in the question of why it is important to know the percentage of originality, you decide for yourself what exactly you need. Have you taken a single order and are not going to earn money by writing texts in the future or do you want to continue doing this? In the latter case, you will need to be responsible for the quality of your work and build up a client base for future cooperation. And without unique texts, this is impossible.