Call For Publication Of Academic Articles In Young Arbitration Magazine
The Costa Rica Young Arbitrators Association (CYA) launches a call for the publication of academic articles on commercial arbitration for students and Law graduates. By Silvia Trejos*. The requirements are: Be an undergraduate or graduate law student or practice as a Law Graduate. The article must deal with arbitration issues. Adhere to the guidelines defined by the Editorial Board. Authors can be of any nationality. The deadline for receiving articles is May 31, 2019 . The new publication guidelines can be consulted on our website: The article can be sent through our website ( ) or by emailSobre Young Arbitration Magazine Young Arbitration Magazine is one of the CYA projects, which consists of an academic magazine published twice a year, which has been a pioneer in Costa Rica and the region, with regard to national and international arbitration. YAM is the first magazine specialized in arbitration in Costa Rica.
Likewise, it spreads in Central America, thanks to the efforts of Sister Associations in countries such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. YAM is a magazine for students, for young professionals and for all those people who seek to cultivate and publicize their knowledge in arbitration. This is undoubtedly a tool that allows young people to excel in the world of refereeing. Silvia Trejos is a lawyer at Lexincorp – Central American Law Firm and is part of the Costa Rica Young Arbitrators (CYA) association, an association of young people professionally related to commercial arbitration, whose mission is to promote DM Databases the culture of arbitration in Costa Rica.For his part, the President of the ICSID Administrative Council may designate ten additional people for each of these Panels. Demonstrate experience in the sector. Be a leading professional in related fields, whether academic, private legal practice, public service, courts of law or commercial arbitration. Reflection and knowledge of ICSID jurisprudence and legal and political issues that concern the professional community. Publish and present knowledge through channels such as the center's own publication.
Samaniego Law (Madrid and Miami): “the approval of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Mediation and International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation , of 2018 (which modifies the Law “UNCITRAL Model on International Commercial Conciliation, 2002) or Singapore Convention on Mediation puts alternative methods of conflict resolution back on the map, particularly mediation in the resolution of international conflicts.” Antonio Amusategui Batalla , partner at GG | Legal Office (Madrid), lawyer and arbitrator: “my personal SWOT (four ideas) on the issue: to. Weakness (temporary?): the animosity of the 'leges loci arbitri' of the Spanish-speaking states regarding the mechanism of international arbitration. b. Threat (2018): the temptation of Regional Organizations (EU) to institutionalize Arbitration by embedding it within the mechanisms of para-State jurisdiction (EU Arbitration Court with fixed members). c. Strength (timeless): the assumption of UNIDROIT principles as soft-law and arbitration culture. d. Opportunity (2018): Approval of the Prague Rules in December.